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  • Your Eating Disorder Support Coordinator is here | KCL NHS HC

    < Back Your Eating Disorder Support Coordinator is here King's College Health Centre 28 Nov 2024 Struggling with disordered eating? Struggling with your recovery journey? If you are feeling overwhelmed by your recovery journey, and struggling to take steps forward, we offer 121 support with the Eating Disorder Support Coordinator, Sophie Brassill, to discuss your recovery journey. You can contact us and ask to book in for a support session that is currently held on Wednesdays between 10:00-13:00. Eating Disorder Support Links ED Support email address Previous Next

  • Appointments | KCL NHS HC

    How to book a routine GP appointment and options to get NHS health care when we are closed. APPOINTMENTS WE ARE OPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY 9AM - 6.30PM ROUTINE APPOINTMENTS URGENT APPOINTMENTS BACK TO HOME PAGE EVENINGS & WEEKENDS IF WE ARE CLOSED ROUTINE APPOINTMENTS If you are in need of a GP appointment that is NOT a same day emergency, you will need to complete an online consultation form via PATCHS between the hours of 8am and 6:30pm (Monday to Friday). To do this, please click the PATCHS banner below, or you can access this through the NHS app. As a first-time user, you need to create a PATCHS account. Follow these 4 simple steps: 1. Go on to PATCHS (click the banner or link below) 2. Select 'Contact my GP practice' -> 'Continue with PATCHS' -> 'Create an account as a patient' 3. Fill out the form and verify your email address 4. Log back in to PATCHS and submit your consultation request form You need to be a registered patient to book appointments at the Health Centre. If you are not registered, please click here to complete registration. Click HERE to contact your GP online Answer a few simple questions and PATCHS will quickly get you help. ADVICE. FIT NOTES. MEDICATION Once your PATCHS form has been clinically triaged you will be contacted within 48 hours and signposted to the next appropriate step in your care, these steps could be: A routine face to face GP appointment A routine telephone GP appointment Self-referral link to an appropriate service Pharmacist MSK physiotherapist Referral to Community Services Advice given without needing an appointment For more information regarding PATCHS please see below video: For routine measurement checks including blood pressure, weight and height - you can visit our POD room, no booking is needed. For more information please see the video below: URGENT APPOINTMENTS If you have a medical concern that cannot wait until the next appointment, please call us between 9am-11am, Mon-Fri. The reception team will then add you on our on-call doctors list and you'll be contacted on the same day. EVENINGS & WEEKENDS We work with local partners to improve patient care through collaborative and integrated service delivery whilst supporting general practice working. The Enhanced Access Hubs are managed by the Federation. They enable patients to see a variety of clinicians to be seen outside of core service hours. Patients can book appointments between 6.30pm and 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturdays. Appointments are offered at a choice of two hubs, one located in the north of the borough and one in the south. Patients can book into any hub of their choosing by speaking to their registered GP surgery or by calling the hub service when their surgery is closed. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide this service to patients who are not registered with a GP in the Westminster area. The two locations are: Connaught Square practice 41 Connaught Square, St George's Fields, London W2 2HL Weekdays 6.30pm - 8.30pm Saturdays 9am to 5pm Pimlico Health at the Marven 46-50 Lupus St, Pimlico, London SW1V 3EB Weekdays 6.30pm - 8.30pm Saturdays 9am to 5pm HOW CAN PATIENTS BOOK IN? You can do this via your registered GP practice requesting an appointment at the enhanced access hub Online through Airmid (a version of SystmOnline) For enquires or to cancel your appointment after 6:30pm you can email Connaught square hub: Pimlico hub: WHAT TO DO BETWEEN 8PM TO 8AM? In a life threatening emergency dial 999. It’s quite simple to remember, for life-threatening emergencies dial 999. Always call 999 if someone is seriously ill or injured, and their life is at risk. Examples of medical emergencies include (but are not limited to): chest pain difficulty in breathing unconsciousness severe loss of blood severe burns or scalds choking fitting or concussion drowning severe allergic reactions. URGENT CARE DIAL 111 111 is free and available 24 hours a day. 111 is a non-emergency service which offers urgent health care assessment and can signpost you to the most appropriate care for your condition; this could be self-care, your GP practice, your local Enhanced Access Hub a local pharmacy, walk-in centre, the emergency department or we’ll arrange for an emergency ambulance if required. When you call 111, the first voice you will hear is one of our specially trained call assessors who will take you through a series of questions to determine how we can help. We also have a team of clinicians on hand within our control room who is able to provide additional assessment and advice, when required, over the phone. Our team of clinicians include GPs, nurses, pharmacists as well as dental and mental health nurses. You should call NHS 111 if: You need medical help fast but it’s not a life-threatening emergency You don’t know who to call for medical help or you don’t have a GP to call You think you need to go to A&E or another NHS urgent care service but are not sure which one is most appropriate or closest You require health advice or reassurance about what to do next You have medication enquiries 111 is also available online if you’re not sure what to do For less urgent health needs, you should contact your GP or local pharmacist in the usual way. More about local services in your area, see: IF WE ARE CLOSED When our practice is closed you can call 111 for any medical concerns that cannot wait until we reopen. NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 999 in a serious medical emergency.

  • News (List) | KCL NHS HC

    LATEST NEWS BACK TO HOME PAGE 4 Feb 2025 Walk-in HIV Blood Test for Registered Patients Testing at least once a year for HIV is good sexual health practice for people who are sexually active. Read More 24 Jan 2025 Cervical Screening Prevention Week: Let's Debunk Myths and Attend Screening Did you know cervical cancer can be prevented? We sat down with Dr Nighat Arif and Laura Adlington to find out why and debunk misconceptions around cervical screening. Read More 13 Dec 2024 Winter Break Opening Hours Wishing you a restful holiday! Read More 28 Nov 2024 Your Eating Disorder Support Coordinator is here Struggling with disordered eating? Struggling with your recovery journey? Read More 23 Sept 2024 Mandarin Talking Therapies now available NHS Westminster Talking Therapies Services now offers Mandarin language counselling. Read More

  • Walk-in HIV Blood Test for Registered Patients | KCL NHS HC

    < Back Walk-in HIV Blood Test for Registered Patients King's College Health Centre 4 Feb 2025 Testing at least once a year for HIV is good sexual health practice for people who are sexually active. National HIV Testing Week is an annual campaign by HIV Prevention England and this year it runs between 10 and 16th February. The campaign seeks to promote regular testing in England, especially among groups most affected by HIV. People can live with HIV for a long time without knowing it. An estimated 4,700 people are currently living with undiagnosed HIV in England, and testing rates for HIV in sexual health services are still below 2019 levels, particularly among heterosexuals. Testing at least once a year for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is good sexual health practice for everyone who is sexually active, even if there is no risk of infection. Depending on how many different sexual partners someone has in one year, testing more regularly should be considered. In support of the campaign, we will be offering free, walk-in blood tests at the Health Centre for our registered patients on the following dates: 10th February, 12.00-13.30 12th February, 12.00-13.30 13th February, 12.00-13.30 You can also order free HIV testing kits online via Testing is the only way to know your HIV status. If you have HIV, finding out means you can start treatment, stay healthy and avoid passing the virus onto anyone else. Plus, regular testing helps to reduce the numbers of undiagnosed people and those diagnosed late, as well as raise awareness and increase knowledge of HIV to reduce stigma. NHS CNWL Sexual Health Services are hosting health promotion events across London during the HIV Testing Week, see National HIV Testing Week starts on 10 February CNWL Sexual Health Previous Next

  • NHS Health Centre | King's College London NHS Health Centre | England

    NHS Health Centre for King's College London staff and students REGISTRATION APPOINTMENTS YOUR PATIENT RECORD CLINICS & SERVICES MEET THE TEAM FOR KCL STAFF WATCH OUR INTRODUCTORY VIDEO & READ OUR ALL-IN-ONE FAQ FOR A GP APPOINTMENT COMPLETE A PATCHS Click HERE to contact your GP online Answer a few simple questions and PATCHS will quickly get you help. For information on PATCHS, please click on APPOINTMENTS If you require a medical certificate /fit note/sick note, an appointment for routine contraception , asthma review , vaccinations & travel vaccines , cervical screening , please call the practice instead as these appointments do not require a GP. ADVICE. FIT NOTES. MEDICATION LATEST NEWS 07-Feb-2025 Walk-in blood test for HIV for our registered patients. ...Read more 24-Jan-2025 How much do you know about cervical screening? Read our Cervical Cancer Prevention Week campaign. ...Read more 28-Nov-2024 Book your 121 appointment with our Eating Disorder Support Coordinator. ...Read more BUSH HOUSE 3RD FLOOR I SOUTH EAST WING I 300 THE STRAND I LONDON WC2B 4PJ TESTIMONIALS RESEARCH PROJECTS PATIENT INFORMATION + Care Quality Commission (CQC) Latest Care Quality Commission Report 2018 - click HERE to learn more + Practice Privacy Policies/Record Sharing/GDPR - click HERE to learn more + Patient Charter - click HERE to learn more + GP Earnings - click HERE to learn more

  • NHS Health Centre | King's College London NHS Health Centre | England

    NHS Health Centre for King's College London staff and students Registration Clinics & Services Medical Certificate Our Team Testimonials Appointment Records & Prescriptions For KCL Staff Latest News Watch our introductory video & read our all-in-one FAQ FOR A GP APPOINTMENT COMPLETE A PATCHS Click HERE to contact your GP online Answer a few simple questions and PATCHS will quickly get you help. For information on PATCHS, please click on APPOINTMENTS ADVICE. FIT NOTES. MEDICATION If you require a medical certificate/fit note/sick note, an appointment for routine contraception, asthma review, vaccinations & travel vaccines, cervical screening, please call the practice instead as these appointments do not require a GP. LATEST NEWS 07-Feb-2025 Walk-in blood test for HIV for our registered patients. ...Read more 24-Jan-2025 How much do you know about cervical screening? Read our Cervical Cancer Prevention Week campaign. ...Read more 28-Nov-2024 Book your 121 appointment with our Eating Disorder Support Coordinator. ... Read more PLANNING ON SEEING MORE OF THE WORLD? TRAVEL VACCINATIONS KCHC has its own dedicated Travel Clinic, providing essential advice and travel vaccines. Please click HERE for more information or ask our reception team next time you are in the Health Centre. BUSH HOUSE 3RD FLOOR I SOUTH EAST WING I 300 THE STRAND I LONDON WC2B 4PJ Practice Information Research Projects

  • Mandarin Info | KCL NHS HC

    Mandarin Info: click links to read more KCHC FAQ (Simplified Mandarin) NHS Overview - in Mandarin Registration & Appointment Booking - in Mandarin Prescription Information - in Mandarin Mandarin Glossary BACK TO HOME PAGE HAMMS/HAMSS是什么? All Categories Play Video Play Video 01:23 Vaccinations/疫苗接种 Play Video Play Video 00:43 NHS costs/NHS费用 Play Video Play Video 01:33 Online Systems/PATCHS & Systmonline / 在线系统: PATCHS&Systmonline Play Video Play Video 00:42 Health Check/健康检查 Play Video Play Video 00:52 Cervical Screening/子宫颈抹片检查 Play Video Play Video 01:02 HAMSS Role/HAMSS是什么? Play Video Play Video 01:39 111 Play Video Play Video 01:10 Mental Health/精神心理健康 Play Video Play Video 01:27 KCHC GP Appointment/KCHC GP预约方式和看诊

  • Registration | KCL NHS HC

    REGISTRATION REGISTER ONLINE REGISTRATION INFORMATION CATCHMENT AREA OUT OF AREA REGISTRATION BACK TO HOME PAGE INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS REGISTRATION INFORMATION You have to be a registered patient to book appointments at King's College London NHS Health Centre . You can be registered at King's College London NHS Health Centre if: You are a current student of the University (King's College London) You are employed by the University (King's College London) You are the partner/spouse of a student or staff member at the University living at the same address. To register now, please click 'Register Online' above and fill in the registration form. PLEASE ONLY SUBMIT IT ONCE. If you are unsure about the status of your registration, please contact us. There is no regulatory requirement to provide proof of ID, address details, immigration status or an NHS number in order to register. We do require evidence of your student/staff member status which is normally your KCL ID card. Once you have completed the registration form you can book appointments with one of the clinicians straight away. You can also register in person at the Health Centre as well as following the below NHSE link: Register with a GP surgery CATCHMENT AREA Our catchment area includ es the whole of London. If you do not live in our catchment area, please see below information about Out Of Area Registration. OUT OF AREA REGISTRATION If you live outside our catchment area (please see map a bove) the Health Centre will still register you without the option of home visits if it is clinically appropriate and practical in your individual case. To register you in this way we may need to: Ask you or the practice you are currently registered with questions about your health to help decide whether to register you in this way Ask you questions about why it is practical for you to attend this practice If accepted you can attend the practice and receive the full range of services provided. If you have an urgent care need and you cannot make it to the Health Centre we may ask you to call NHS 111 who will put you in touch with your local service . This arrangement only applies to patients who live in England. For further information visit the NHS choices website: INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS YOUR HEALTH IS IMPORTANT There are a few things you will need to sort out before you start your journey at King’s College London. This includes registering with a local GP (General Practitioner). GP Doctors are trained and experienced in diagnosing a wide range of health problems. You may also want to get familiar with the NHS website , where you will find useful information and advice on how to get help and medical care as a student and find other services you may need. HOW DO I REGISTER WITH A GP? It is essential that you register with a local GP as soon as you get to University so that you can access NHS services. If you live within the catchment area, you can Register with King’s College London NHS Health Centre, which is a NHS General Practice for staff and students of King’s College London only. DO I NEED ANY VACCINATIONS BEFORE I GET TO UNIVERSITY? Click here for a guide to help you understand the vaccines offered in the UK. CAN I ACCESS MY PRESCRIBED MEDICATION IN THE UK? We can prescribe some of the more common medications such as asthma inhalers, insulin, acne treatment, antidepressants and contraceptive tablets. You must make an appointment with your GP to discuss this once you register. To make things as easy as possible, remember to bring your existing medication or prescription with you to the appointment and if possible any specialist letters or results of recent tests. Please bear in mind that you may be given slightly different medication from the one originally prescribed, as local protocols vary and some medications from abroad are not available in the UK. In some cases, you will need to be referred to a local specialist before your medication is prescribed. Sometimes, it may actually be easier to get supplies of your medication posted from home. This is particularly true of some American medications for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), which are not the same in Britain. HOW DO I FIND A DENTAL SURGERY? Dentists work independently from GPs. Check NHS Choices for a dentist near to where you live. HOW DO I FIND AN OPTICIAN? Opticians are also independent from GPs. Check NHS Choices for an optician near to where you live. IS EVERYTHING ON THE NHS FREE? Accident and Emergency Departments are for serious, life-threatening injuries and illnesses only. There is no charge for true emergencies, although if you are admitted to the hospital or referred to an outpatient clinic, this will then incur a charge unless you are an NHS patient. The nearest A&E department to the Strand Campus is St Thomas’ Hospital . There is also plenty of information available online for dealing with minor ailments. Seeing a nurse, doctor or other healthcare professional (e.g. physiotherapist, dietician) is normally free. Procedures and operations on the NHS are also free. This does not include some surgery such as most cosmetic operations. Also what you are charged for will depend on your eligibility for 'secondary' NHS care as above. There is a flat charge of per prescribed medication on the NHS, although contraception is free. Some medicines such as Malaria tablets are not prescribed on the NHS and you will need to pay the cost price of the medicine plus a charge for a private prescription. Some vaccinations such as MMR and meningitis C are free. Others such as travel vaccines (see our Travel clinic section on our Services pages) incur a charge. Some students qualify for free prescriptions for medical reasons or if on low income. Further information regarding this can be found here. People with some medical conditions e.g. diabetes, hypothyroidism and also pregnant women are also entitled to free prescriptions. Your doctor will help you to complete a medical exemption form if this is the case. WHERE ELSE CAN I GET MEDICAL HELP? Pharmacists can often advise on minor ailments such as coughs and colds, mild acne, cuts and bruises, warts and verrucas, hayfever, BV and thrush, fungal nail infections, period pain etc. You can access a wider range of medication from a Pharmacist than you can at a supermarket. Opticians not only provide spectacles but can also check the general health of the eye, including the eye pressure and also the health of the retina. Dentists can provide advice and treatment for all aspects of mouth and dental care. They are separate from GP surgeries. To register with an NHS Dentist you will need to quote your NHS number. You will receive this in the post 2-3 months after you first register with a GP in the UK. HERE ARE SOME USEFUL WEBSITES Self Care Forum - helping people take care of themselves Immigration Health Surcharge Home Office - UK Border Agency UK Council for International Student Affairs Help with Health Costs - provides exemption certificates to those entitled and sends Prescription Pre-Payment Certificates (PPCs). Follow the link for more information on PPCs, Low Income Scheme, Medical Exemption, Pregnant Women and those who have had a baby in the last 12 months, Tax Credits and applying for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Information for Mandarin Speaking Patients Information for visitors to England - Accessing health services while in England.

  • Winter Break Opening Hours | KCL NHS HC

    < Back Winter Break Opening Hours King's College Health Centre 13 Dec 2024 Wishing you a restful holiday! The King's College Health Centre will be closed on these dates during the winter break: 25th & 26th December 2024 1st January 2025 We remain open during our regular hours (9.00 to 18.30) on all other days. When our practice is closed, you can call 111 for any medical concerns that cannot wait until we reopen. NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have an urgent, severe problem that is not life threatening, you can go to a NHS urgent care centre near you. Find urgent and emergency care services - NHS ( ) There are 2 urgent care centres near Strand campus: Guy's Hospital Urgent Care Emergency care - Urgent care centre | Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust ( ) Soho NHS Walk-in Centre Walk-in centres :: Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust ( ) Call 999 in a serious medical emergency. The University has an online guide for support over the winter break: KA-02080 · Student Services Online ( ) Previous Next

  • Meet The Team | KCL NHS HC


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